Prois Staff Journeys....Emma Coleman

When I first started hunting in 2004 there wasn’t really any womens camo at all.
I remember going shopping for the first time at a Sportsman’s
Warehouse, and came up empty except for a single set of women’s thin
Browning rain gear that didn’t even fit properly, but I had to have
something for wet rainy Oregon weather. Not a single item of womens
regular Camo shirts, or pants to be found. My then boyfriend, now
husband of 16 years, wore Predator. I bought some Predator men’s pants that I
had to roll at the waist so they didn’t sag, some long sleeved tshirts
(which were fine) and a puffy jacket that worked but wasn’t super warm.
I had to layer tons of men’s base layers (the old school bimart
ones that really don’t do much) and a men’s wool sweater. Luckily I’m
on the taller side so I could manage that, but it wasn’t comfy and I
always froze.
I came across Prois years later with their first line
and got a set of early season Pro Edition pants and a jacket that
actually fit me great!! It wasn’t super warm, but it worked for my
early season hunts, and I loved that the crotch wasn’t saggy so I
could actually get over logs and through slash so much easier. The
jacket was also amazing because the arms were actually long enough &
the shoulders wide enough for me to comfortably shoot my bow. Plus I
could actually use the thumbholes. I also bought the amazing thinner
rain gear. I kept watching what they came out with every year and
finally switched all my gear out to Prois when they started selling
the long pants with amazing adjustable waists.
and got a set of early season Pro Edition pants and a jacket that
actually fit me great!! It wasn’t super warm, but it worked for my
early season hunts, and I loved that the crotch wasn’t saggy so I
could actually get over logs and through slash so much easier. The
jacket was also amazing because the arms were actually long enough &
the shoulders wide enough for me to comfortably shoot my bow. Plus I
could actually use the thumbholes. I also bought the amazing thinner
rain gear. I kept watching what they came out with every year and
finally switched all my gear out to Prois when they started selling
the long pants with amazing adjustable waists.
I’m soooo thankful for Prois!! Not only do they have awesome gear that fits all shapes andsizes, but the sisterhood is so amazing. In my opinion there isn’t
another company out there that is this supportive of women, and not
just as customers, but they truly supports us as people.
another company out there that is this supportive of women, and not
just as customers, but they truly supports us as people.