Prois Staffer Journeys...Kim Blaskowski!

"Facebook memories reminded me the other day that I had been on the Prois prostaff since 2011. For some reason, my mind instantly started thinking of all the times in those 10 years that Prois has been with me…
A marriage proposal from my husband while elk hunting. Our “Huntingmoon” to Africa. All of my “first” animal harvests. My son’s first elk harvest (yes, I cried and I believe he was wearing some of my gear) Mentoring young girls about hunting. Taking my grandson to the deer blind for the first time and many more.
So many great memories for me are associated with Prois but the very best thing is the many, many faces of Prois. This is a sisterhood like no other. The ladies of Prois are always there when another is in need. Supporting, encouraging, fellowshipping. Never, ever a discouraging word. You just can’t find that in today’s world. For me, anytime I see that Prois P on a vehicle or even someone wearing it, I have to talk to them immediately and soon, we are sisters. I have met some of my very dearest friends in the Prois group of ladies. I couldn’t image life without them. So thank you Kirstie for having this vision and driving this crazy train of women."
Here’s to 10 more years!!
Kim Blaskowski