Prois Staffer Journeys...Kate Bryant!
Kate Bryant ~Zealand Coordinator
I’m a farm girl from the central North Island of New Zealand and grew up hunting from the time I could walk. By the age of four, I was joining Dad and Grandad on week long fly-in hunting trips to the mountains in search of Sika deer. Since then I’ve spent every spare minute and day hunting every species of big game and waterfowl New Zealand has to offer. My passion for hunting and putting food on the table has since developed from a hobby into a career and I'm now a professional hunting guide in Northern British Columbia, Canada, with aspirations to chase the guiding seasons year round. Of late, most of my personal hunting in New Zealand has been taking friends out to harvest their first big game animal or giving friends from overseas a taste of the hunting New Zealand has to offer. I thrive off introducing new people into the industry I am so passionate about. I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing the enjoyment they get from not only the thrill of the chase and achieving their goals but also providing sustainable food for their families.
I first encountered Prois while guiding in British Columbia, where my client was sporting the gear. She did a great job of indirectly promoting Prois and at the end of the 10 days I was sold! I had seen first-hand her clothing out-performing my popular brand (men’s) gear, which I might add was not old and worn out either.
Every female hunter I talk to complains that of the very little range of women's clothing available to them no one item is ever up to the same standard as the men's gear. In the end we compromise and buy men's clothing that doesn't fit in order to have something that works. To have a range that is developed specifically for the female hunter that doesn't compromise on quality and technology really makes the difference out in the field. As a hunting guide, I rely on the best gear to allow me to perform at my peak! I wear my gear day in day out for months on end and I’m am completely in love with the items I’ve been thrashing! Being in the industry, I have seen just about every brand of high end hunting clothing, and Prois has definitely taken the top spot for performance in women’s gear! What’s more, I really love that this range doesn’t incorporate pinks and purples. The ladies at Prois once said that female hunters want to be identified as hunters first and females second and I couldn’t agree more!
I truly believe that Prois’ vision of being the best female hunting gear on the market holds true!